Monday, August 29, 2011

Level 1 Complete

The egg retrieval is over! It's a relief. I wasn't sure what to expect in the way of pain, and of course how many eggs we'd have, but it went okay. Our doctor got 5 eggs total - 3 of them were mature, the other two were still slightly small and therefore probably immature - but 3 out of 5 isn't so bad. Now we wait for the fertilization report tomorrow. Doc will tell us how many of those 5 eggs fertilized. Of those fertilized eggs we'll wait another 2 days and then we'll know which of those fertilized are growing embroys.

So it'll be a nail biter of  a week. Tonight I start on the progesterone shots which I am not looking forward to. I hear they are a real pain in the ass :)


  1. Awesome! Good luck and here's to a great fert report : )

  2. 3 out of 5 is FANTASTIC!! Keep the good news coming :)

  3. Yay!!! Congrats on passing level 1 and your 3 mature eggies!!! I am praying for a good fert report for you tomorrow!!! And I have heard the PIO shots are a pain in the ass too! Luckily I have never had to take them, just the suppositories. I hear warming up the oil and putting a heating pad on your but first and then after helps so it won't clum up in your butt and it is easier to do the injection when it's warmed up. Good luck!!

  4. I thought of you yesterday & keeping you in my prayers. Love you! You & your wonderful hubby are so amazing!
